What do I mean by “your partner in the investing world”? In today’s investment world, with vast amounts of information beckoning at your discretion, unless you have all day—every – everyday – to cipher through its’ content, you can’t possibly make consistent intelligent decisions. So this is where the partner portion of the quote is derived. I want to be the person who helps meddle you through the intricacies of the market. I literally have three computer screens in my office, as well as a television, that constantly monitor information as it transpires throughout the day, and sometimes that does not seem like enough.
I’m a fundamentalist; I don’t trade, I invest. Trading is seeking quick profits, usually small but with volume, in the hopes of creating wealth. I invest; I look for companies that create economic wealth and have an adequate return on investment, equity, and assets. I look for companies that consistently create enough cash flow to pay their bills, make capital improvements to sustain their business, and pay a dividend without borrowing or issuing new stock. It sounds like a lot to look for in a single company, but they exist.
“Investors should always keep in mind that the most important metric is not the returns achieved but the returns weighed against the risks incurred. Ultimately, nothing should be more important to investors that the ability to sleep soundly at night.”
– Seth Klarman
Also, as a part of being your “partner,” I want to be able to provide strategies that are congruent with your specific risk expectations. Too often in our business, cookie-cutter approaches are created that are implemented with all clients because it’s easier and less stressful on the advisor. Unfortunately, as we previously discussed, the world is dynamic, not static, and solutions must be dynamic as well. This is also where I’d like to think I distinguish myself from others. I not only met the regulatory requirements to buy and sell stock, mutual funds, bonds, and exchange-traded funds (ETF’s), but I’ve also taken the additional step of adding futures and commodities to my repertoire so that whatever situation arises, we have the arsenal to confront it.
Give me a call or drop me an email; a consultation is free.
“The investor’s chief problem–even his worse enemy–is likely to be himself”
– Benjamin Graham